Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tasting menu

Here is the 5 course Tasting menu that we did for school (based on Heston Blumenthal's cook book, The big fat duck cook book").

Kumamoto oyster with Kale flowers, lavender, and passion fruit jelly

This one was pretty simple. We used Agar Agar (a japanese product made from seaweed that is similar to gelatin) to thicken up som passion fruit puree and sugar to make the jelly. while it was still warm, we poured it over the oysters and let them set in the fridge. we then garnished with the flowers and little fruit tuile.

Vegetarian "Pot Au Feu"

Pot au feu is actually made out of bone marrow, so its impossible to make a true pot au feu vegetarian. What you see here is actually a heart of palm with the center pushed out of it, filled with a a sort of horseradish custard filling. The trickiest part of the whole thing was getting it to stand up. We garnished with carrots and green onions and poured a vegetable broth into the bowl table side.

Cauliflower Risotto with chocolate jelly, Dried Cauliflower

This one didn't plate up as nicely as I thought it was going to. It was super good though. We started by making a pretty standard risotto base, But instead of finishing with cheese and butter, we made some cauliflower cream and cauliflower veloute, and mixed that in, making it super creamy and giving it a nice semi-sweet cauliflower taste. 

We garnished with a dehydrated cauliflower, shaved cauliflower disks, and a chocolate jelly, which was quite a rigorous task because the gelatin in the chocolate didn't quite set up all the way, so the disks tore when we tried to pick them up. it turned out alright though and paired nicely with the cauliflower.

Licorice poached salmon, asparagus, vanilla mayonnaise.

This one was probably the most interesting. we poached salmon via the sous-vide method (poached in an airtight bag) and glazed it with a sauce made from slowly cooking licorice down to thick glaze. after removing the salmon from the bags, we poured the sauce over them to coat. We garnished with balsamic reduction and grapefruit membranes.

Thats it! Hope you enjoyed it! more food goodness to to come. feel free to comment or check out my older blog posts (archive to the right).


P.S. You can follow me on twitter @RookieChef or email me at TimothyChambers91.blog@gmail.com

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